Networking of European Education Initiatives Dedicated to Global Sustainability (NEEDS)

This project is a project funded by the programme ERASMUS+ of the European Union Agreement 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007659 – P1 aims to create a network of European organizations working with the Earth Charter in adult education to share examples of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) concepts, methodologies and practices. The project is coordinated by Ökumenische Initiative Eine Welt (ÖIEW), Germany and has the following partners:

The main activities of the project are three short 3-day trainings events for 14 educators from the partnership to work on ESD through the earth charter principles and the Sustainable Development Goals agenda (SDG). The training will be in Germany, The Netherlands, and Portugal.

The host organizations will involve their local volunteers active in Earth Charter education and campaigning. For monitoring and evaluation purposes there will be three transnational meetings in Romania, Bulgaria and Sweden to which each partner organization will send one national coordinator.

The exchange of good ESD practices and global learning concepts during the training events and transnational meetings is expected to influence each partner organization. Thereby the project will result in new initiatives to support local communities, civil society organizations, educational or cultural centres, and to improve the knowledge of the groups involved internationally and locally addressing the visionary ideas of the Earth Charter for global sustainability. 

Further information and news about the project can be found on the News page.