(28 June, 29 June, 30 June and 1 July 2022)
With the impressive ideas of Satish Kumar about Soil, Soul and Society in mind the NEEDS-training program will focus on Earth Charter

Principle 4: Secure Earth’s bounty and beauty for present and future generations.
Landgoed Zonheuvel is a beautiful place for this purpose. We shall work together with trainers representing other Earth Charter Affiliates from Bulgaria, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Sweden. We will benefit in several ways of the possibilities the nature of the estate offers. See this video on how the Earth Charter has taken roots at Landgoed Zonheuvel in Doorn.
Preparing our program, we realized that most of our recent activities in relation to the Earth Charter in The Netherlands are inspired and informed by ‘Intergenerational Justice’, which is how we translate our moral duties to protect future generations. The purpose of the NEEDS-project is to share ideas, methods, experiences and materials which are linked to the Earth Charter, to involve as many people as possible in turning conscience into action for a thriving Earth. Evidently, education, both formal and informal, is fundamental in this process. With our NEEDS-partners we will explore interactive methods based on or inspired by the Earth Charter which took root in Dutch soil. To mention a few:
Circles of 17
Everybody can play a role in creating a better world. We believe we cán achieve the aims of the Earth Charter ánd the UN Agenda 2030 with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). No one should be left behind. The Circles of 17 method was developed as an experimental method by a group of Earth Charter Friends and Worldconnectors who worked together under the umbrella called ‘Global Goals Accelerator’. Circles of 17 is a method that can be used by people from all walks of life. Circles of 17 helps to make the connection between heartfelt values and principles as expressed in the Earth Charter and concrete actions which contribute to the implementation of the SDGs. It aims to contribute to the movement that empowers people to care for Earth and one another.
The method was recently used in the first edition of the Earth Charter Course on Community Leadership in The Netherlands, facilitated by Veronique Swinkels, Wim Oolbekkink and Alide Roerink.
Lab Future Generations
The Lab Future Generations is an example of an independent organization that started as a Worldconnectors and Earth Charter NL working group. The aim of Lab Future Generations is to involve the wellbeing of future generations in the process of decision making. The Lab developed several instruments and methods to make society inclusive and sustainable for the next seven generations. During the NEEDS training we will share several methods, including the FutureStool, the Ombudsperson for Future Generations and the FutureCouncil.
Indigenous wisdom
Collecting stories and storytelling are powerful tools to preserve and pass wisdom of previous on to future generations. With Avalon, one of the Spanish Earth Charter Affiliates in Spain, participants will become more aware of the richness of “The Earth Story Collection”. In the NEEDS training we will analyze how the stories can support Affiliates in other countries. Participants are asked to bring their own indigenous stories. There will be storytelling around the fireplace, the origin of education, like in primeval times.
Celebration of Earth Charter Day 2022
This year, on 29th June, the celebration of Earth Charter Day is part of the NEEDS-program. Representatives of the network of the Dutch Earth Charter Affiliate, Worldconnectors Affiliate of Earth Charter International will pay attention to several aspects of Intergenerational Justice as part of the celebration.
After several years of celebrations of Earth Charter Day, we can call it a tradition now which includes special ‘Future Proof Food’, invented and guided by one of the Earth Charter Friends, Natascha Kooiman (Smaackmakers). This is a delicious meal based on principles as ‘plant oriented’ and ‘no waste’. We can not wait to celebrate Earth Charter this year with our European partners and host our NEEDS partners in the Netherlands.
Hosting team members are: Sherlien Sanches, Veronique Swinkels, Wim Oolbekkink, Myrthe Egmond, Dick de Groot and Alide Roerink