During 17-19 September 2021 , the partners met during the Kick-off Meeting in Cluj Napoca, hosted by the Romanian partner All Together Foundation. It was a marvellous opportunity to know each other in person, understand how the partners work, share our views about the Earth charter and express our expectations. Alide Roerink , from Earth Charter Friends , did an excellent presentation about the history of Earth Charter, and Tonia Moya from Green Cross Sweden shared with us wonderful stories about the Movement . The host organization with its vibrant team ( Anca; Alina; Ramos and Adonis) helped us to discover the rich culture of Transylvania. The team from Proyecto Avalon, Grian and Martha made us think about the need to take actions now to turn conscientiousness in to action. Miirian Vilela, director of ECI from Costa Rica, during a zoom connection gave us insights about the need to act at national levels. Finally, we all, send our best wishes to our dear coordinator Denis who was serious ill , in the hospital, but even so , connect with us via zoom to start the meeting.

The old town Salina Turda Salina turda

Earth charter historical view by Alide Roerink , from Earth Charter Friends