The Ökumenische Initiative Eine Welt (ÖIEW) has been founded in 1976 as a One World initiative and serves as the official German coordination office of the Earth Charter since 2001. Since then, the ÖIEW continuously ran projects to implement information and education for global sustainable development on a national level. Beside print and online publication, annual conferences, the main pillar of its work is the annual training of Earth Charter multiplicators and the coordination of ESD and global learning workshops and seminars.

The Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie (BAUR), Bulgaria, has good experience in European projects in the field of ESD and did therefore play a major role in conceptualization of NEEDS as well as future monitoring and evaluation during the project. Its experts have relevant experience in application of various creative and innovative ESD methods, such as theatre techniques, in education of adults, which will be presented and exchanged during the short training events.

The Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental (ASPEA), Portugal, is an affiliated institution of the Earth Charter since 2005. ASPEA has a long time experience in organizing and making environmental education activities related to the Earth Charter principles, for publics of all ages and backgrounds. Thus ASPEA’s staff and collaborators will be able to share experiences, ideas and good practices and can give an insight on how adults can make activities and talk about sustainability issues with others. In addition, ASPEA has participated in several Erasmus+ projects, both as a beneficiary partner and the coordinator, understanding how a strategic partnership works and the team effort required in these kinds of projects, being able to share those experiences with the partners.

Foundation SBI – Earth Charter The Netherlands (SBI stands for ‘Cooperation, Contemplation and Inspiration’) has been part of the Earth Charter movement already during the process of establishment (ECN). Since then ECN has enlarged its network of ‘Earth Charter Friends’ who serve as multiplicators within the field of global citizenship and action for sustainable development. In the project ‘Ombudsperson for Future Generations’ ECN works with visions and wishes of how a sustainable world might look in future generations in workshops, publications and multiplier events.
more about the roots of Earth Charter Friends Netherlands

The Green Cross Sweden (GCS) has since the very beginning under the direction of the Green Cross founder Mikhail Gorbachev worked with the worldwide draft consultation process, and during the last two decades to promote the declaration. GCS regularly organizes conferences in the field of sustainability development and uses the Earth Charter for empowerment workshops in the context of ESD. The GCS has established a network of persons formerly active in ESD within the business community of northern Europe, which they use for dissemination activities.
some more information on GCS

The Proyecto Avalon from Spain is active various field of global ESD and does mainly base it’s activities on a large European and global network of volunteers, which they train on a regular basis through online formats. Proyecto Avalon also manages The Earth Stories Collection, which is a global bank of myths, legends and folktales from all around the world capable of transmitting a systemic, holistic and integrative worldview and the principles and values of the Earth Charter. In addition to this, and together with the Scottish International Storytelling Festival, they are creating a global network of storytelling activists, The Earth Story Tellers. These storytellers are committed to tell stories illustrating the principles and values of the Earth Charter.

The All Together Foundation, Romania, has established the Institute of Oriental Sciences and Applied Anthropology with a private, non-formal 2-yr Master programme that includes the Earth Charter as the educational framework and collaborates with other European partners, e.g. in Italy. All Together will bring contribute training sessions on the multilateral development of the modern human being and it’s further evolution so that he can successfully adapt to the emerging world integrating the values and principles that the Earth Charter promotes. All Together Foundation is also the co-organizer of the EC20+ Forum in Romania.