One main aim of NEEDS is to enable exchange of successful education methods and formats between educators from all participating organizations. The German Earth Charter affiliate, the ÖIEW, appointed four Earth Charter ambassadors as participants. Here they present themselves and their various backgrounds and motivations to participate in NEEDS:

Diana Creutzberg, Dresden & Steyerberg, social and cultural anthropologist, and Earth Charter ambassador
What does the unknown reveal about myself? How do my actions relate to other living beings? These questions are my central motivation for action: by entering into a cognitive as well as spiritual exchange with my social and natural environment, I want to develop a holistic understanding of our diverse everyday realities and approach them creatively.
Participating in this exchange project as one of the NEEDS multipliers enables me to bundle a catalysing force as a result of the intercultural exchange and to use this synergy for a socio-ecological transformation. The gained perspectives, contacts and approaches of the Earth Charter message can, for instance, be wonderfully woven into a community project near Steyerberg in Lower Saxony, which I am currently involved in. In this historic region where the Nazi regime raged, there is still a lot of scope for education work for peace, solidarity and sustainable development. Other activity fields, such as campaigning for sustainable agriculture approaches, for instance permaculture, or international camps also offer opportunities for action to spread our message in the context of adult education.

Moritz Schilk, Hamburg, actor, joker and Earth Charter ambassador
In 2014, while I was still in drama school I took part in an interactive theatre workshop “à la Boal” for the very first time. It became clear to me very quickly that I wanted to learn the ability to lead workshops of this kind and thus facilitate an honest dialogue, in order to offer other people similar opportunities for experience. I have been following this path for the last few years. It has taken me to Austria and Canada and since then to many small and large places. Wherever and with whomever I am, the self-empowerment and self-efficacy of the group that takes place in the workshop room every single time is an act of hope! It is a great pleasure for me to represent the Earth Charter in the NEEDS project, to learn from others and to share my own skills and experiences. A “European exchange” of this kind also always holds the potential for new networking. And that is good! Because the social division we experience today does not stop at national borders. Reaching out to each other is an important step to fight against it.

Iris Weis, Visselhövede, youth pedagogue and Earth Charter ambassador
In order to inspire my fellow human beings and to make new ways and ideas attractive for them, education, upbringing in love and appreciation for all beings is essential for me. I am very grateful and happy for the oppotunity to participate in the NEEDS project, which enables educators from various European countries with different background and skill sets to exchange on how new ways for all of us become realizable. To start together and to stay strong in the change of time, cultures and values on our wonderful earth, I am looking forward to it. To actively support the current generations in raising awareness is a matter close to my heart. Humans and earth come into harmony with each other; this process needs time and encouragement. And for this it is worth to mobilize energy and resources to implement the Earth Charter principles in life.

Christian Güttich, Klepzig (near Halle), freelancer service provider and Earth Charter ambassador
Because it’s about everything!
And because we can achieve more together and, above all, because we can learn so much from each other! The greatest possible potential for creative ideas and new approaches is created in community. The exchange of knowledge and experience always motivates and enriches one’s own work. To feel connected to each other and to get involved in a common cause gives an incredible amount of strength and positive energy! I am convinced that a large network is needed to bring about the change in consciousness we are striving for on all levels. The more people learn about the Earth Charter Initiative and disseminate its content, the more likely a rethink will take place. I see myself as part of this movement and would like to actively shape this process.
Because it’s about everything!
And because we can’t let any more time pass by and, above all, because the future is now! In the last few days in particular, a lot has been reported about climate reports, the latest calculations and process models. What will develop how, when and in which direction and how seriously could life on earth change in the next ten years. We have all the possibilities and all the knowledge to shape the future positively. For this we have to return to a respectful and conscious attitude towards nature. I look forward to exchanging ideas with people from other cultures and parts of the world. The exchange is important to recognize and respect us. Connect similarities and enrich differences!
Because it’s about everything!
I believe that we as human beings recognize the need to rethink and decide for a more sustainable and conscious way of life. I will do my part in this process and will continue to promote the idea of the Earth Charter Initiative. I am really grateful to meet people from other countries who have this intention and it is another great motivation for me! Everything is connected with everything! And therefore all of the things discussed at these meetings will flow to All of Us. I look forward to it!