NEEDS multiplicators meeting and training( Portugal, 5-7 April 2022)

A vision of shared hope and a call to action!
NEEDS multiplicators meeting and training in Warburg-Germete, Germany, 05-07 November 2021

Let’s take it personal! – An introduction of German NEEDS participants
Let’s take it personal! – An introduction of German NEEDS participants

Kick-off Meeting in Cluj Napoca, Romania – 17-19 September 2021
During 17-19 September 2021 , the partners met during the Kick-off Meeting in Cluj Napoca, hosted by the Romanian partner All Together Foundation. It was a marvellous opportunity to know each other in person, understand how the partners work, share our views about the Earth charter and express our expectations.

Urgent call for Climate Justice – Earth Charter gathering 2 September 2021 in The Netherlands
70 engaged and concerned Earth Charter Friends and partner relations gathered for an event on Climate Justice at Landgoed Zonheuvel in Doorn

Lively Earth Charter Celebrations in Germany
The last weekend of July was full of celebrations: our annual conference, the Earth Charter day and 10th anniversary of the Earth Charter city Warburg.

The Avalon Project
Initiative for a Culture of Peace

Action of Project NEEDS in Portugal during 2021 ASPEA congress
Castelo de Vide, Portugal, 19-06-2021